Individual Therapy

Man sitting on a boulder looking into the distance. Concept of hope

Adversity Is Everywhere

It comes in all shapes and sizes. Life stress. Work stress. Family stress. Depression.  Anxiety.  Discontentment.  These are pretty general terms but I bet some pretty specific images jump to mind if you think about any one of them for a moment.  These things are unavoidable in life, but the more space they take up the more they start to rob us of living the life we want, and being the man we want to be.  Instead of enjoying our accomplishments and the payoffs for hard work we just start to feel stuck, or worse.

Man speaking about his problems while the therapist listens

How Therapy Helps

In short therapy helps build the skills to transcend these difficulties and enjoy life. That’s not to say you’ll be unaffected by stress and adversity (anyone who promises that is lying), but that your response and relationship to those things can change dramatically so that they no longer rob the vitality from your life. Early on we work towards shedding some light on why you respond to stress the way you do, what’s working and what isn’t, and ultimately identifying what needs to change to get you back to living a rich fulfilling life. Stress is unavoidable but it doesn’t have to stop you from enjoying your life.

Compass in the hand

If All We Are Doing Is Talking, All We Are Doing Is Talking

Of course we talk a lot in therapy, language is what we’ve got to work with here. That doesn’t mean that therapy is just talking about your past, talking about the last week, and talking about doing something different. I want to make therapy active. The goal is to identify tangible behavioral changes you can make and to really start doing things different in your life outside of my office. I want you to have things to work on between sessions to so that you can keep moving towards your goals. When emotions come up in session I want to do more than just acknowledge and label them (though those things are important), I want to be active in building skills to respond to them differently.

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