Anxiety Therapy in Denver

Photo courtesy of Bruce Mars

Photo courtesy of Bruce Mars

Anxiety can be insidious and clever

Sometimes it is obvious how much of a toll anxiety takes on your life. Other times anxiety seems helpful while making you miserable all the time.

Anxiety can be clear worrying about what might or could happen, or it can be a nagging feeling that things just aren’t good enough.

The same thoughts play over and over. You find yourself spinning and cycling with them. So much so that it makes it hard to focus on whatever you are doing.

As if all those thoughts and feelings weren’t uncomfortable enough, it can make your whole body feel restless. Anxiety can make your heart race, make your breathing change, make your whole body tense.

Of all the ways anxiety can look there is one thing that is certain, when it starts to get out of hand life starts to get smaller.

What anxiety might look like

  • “Overthinking”

  • Comparing yourself unfavorably to others

  • Chasing the next achievement without stopping to enjoy what you just accomplished

  • Things have to be “perfect”, and often times barely get started

  • Distracting with your phone, Netflix, etc.

I can help get out of the grip of anxiety and back to really living your life.

Working together we can reduce the intensity and influence that anxiety and worry have on your life. We can work the change the relationship you have with anxious thoughts and feelings in order to end the control anxiety can have. In therapy you can learn tried and true skills to get out of anxiety and back to enjoying your life.

Together we will find and explore the things that bring meaning and purpose to your life and develop actionable plans to get and keep you engaged with those things. Science can’t tell us what to value or how to how to value it, but it does tell us that living in line with our values can radically improve our quality of life. Improved quality of life goes a long way in easing the burden of anxiety.

I have spent more than a decade helping men end their struggle with anxiety. My practice is grounded in well researched, reliable, and evidenced-based methods. Together we use these methods to identify old, unhelpful, counterproductive behavioral patterns, and then build more flexible, adaptive, behavioral patterns.

You can end your Struggle with anxiety